Citizen Reporter
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Participants checking in
Opening and Lebanese anthem
Welcoming notes from Prof Rami Abboud, University of Balamand-UoB
Message from Jack and Welcoming notes from Mrs. Gretta Kelzi, Esri Lebanon
MOU signing
"GIS for Local economic Development (LED)", Rola Mahmoud and Mohamad Akl-UoM Minieh
"Crisis Management & Interactive Monograph", Joumana Ahmad-UoM
"Knowing our Maioun", Elie and Marcel Hawi-Amioun Municipality
"Solid Waste Management", Jihad Jawad-UoM of Dreib El Aswat and Dreib El gharbi
"Firelab: A National Fire Danger Forecast System for the Benefit of All", Karen Gebrael-IoE
"Citizen Reporter", Eng. Mohamad Fneich-Esri Lebanon
Awards and recognition, cake cutting
Social Networking
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Some photos from the event